
Wäinzoossiss Sausage Rolls

This is one of the most popular recipes in my workshops with kids and adults alike! Sausage rolls are a typical British picnic item and often served with an apéritif. For this Luxembourgish-flavoured version, I’m using Luxembourgish Wäinzoossiss sausage – a pork and beef sausage which is usually pan-fried and served with a creamy mustard sauce. You can make these well ahead and freeze them.

This recipe was created as part of my “Recipes for Staying Home” show, to flatten the curve during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak. The concept is to inspire people to cook comfort dishes at home – I show basic recipes that can be adapted with all kinds of other ingredients. You can watch the episode here.

Find the recipe here in Luxembourish.

This is a recipe from my cookbook ‘Flavours of Home’.

May 4, 2020