The wild garlic season’s in full swing, but what to do if you’ve got an abundance of wild garlic growing in your garden?
Best is to preserve some of this springtime goodness. Wild garlic pesto and oil are two great ways to make the wild garlic season last a tad longer and enjoy the freshness of this lovely herb. Toss some pesto into wholewheat pasta, spread it on a sandwich, drizzle the oil on soups or use it for dipping freshly toasted sourdough bread into it. There’s so many yummy things to make with these two creations – go on, have a go and see what you can come up with!
This is Guina. Could you please tell me where I can pick up wild garlic in Luxembourg.
Thank you.
Best regards
Hi Guina, wild garlic season is still on at the moment, so I hope you manage to find some. You need to look in shady humid places in the woods, near a river… Good luck!
Dear Anne,
Thank you so much for you reply. Last year my friend gave me some wild garlic which they picked up in Germany. I like it very much. But there are so many forests in Luxembourg. Could you please tell me which one I should go to?