
Brioche Bretzel

Luxembourg has lots of quaint traditions, but above all, Bretzelsonndeg is one really lovely example. Every year, on the third Sunday of Lent, we celebrate ‘Bretzel Sunday’.

On this day, a man should offer his beloved a sweet pretzel. If she accepts, she in return will have to give her man a chocolate egg for Easter. If she refuses, she gives him a basket – hence the Luxembourgish expression ‘hie krut de Kuef’ (he got the basket) if you get dumped…

In leap years, the tradition reverses. Then, the woman is due to offer a bretzel in return for an Easter egg. This year, Bretzelsonndeg falls on the 30th March – and since it’s no leap year, it’s down to the man to offer the Bretzel.

You will find bretzels in every bakery in Luxembourg at this time of year, but if you really want to impress your love, I think you should bake the bretzel yourself with my foolproof recipe. For this version, I am making a buttery brioche bretzel with brioche flour and sugar from Le Moulin.

February 29, 2024