Who remembers Boxeknäpp? As a child from the 80s, we would always get Boxeknäpp for Kleesechersdag in Luxembourg. I distinctly remember these little hard cookies, topped with rock-hard colourful sugar mounts. They lay snuggled in the “Tellerchen” that we received from the Kleeschen – along with nuts, clementines and some chocolate.
I have to admit that I was never a big fan of Boxeknäpp, as they were really, really hard and not very tasty at all. But as nostalgia would have it, I have been thinking back to these old school cookies this year. And I haven’t seen them in the shops anymore, so I’ve decided to make them myself. These here are super pimped Boxeknäpp: buttery shortcrust pastry with vanilla, topped with delicate melt-in-your-mouth meringue. And now suddenly, I’ve turned into a Boxeknäpp lover!
I hope you will like them too!