
Festive Baking: Florentines

Now that the days are getting shorter again, the light outside mostly a dull grey and the wind howling past my window each night, there’s nothing more satisying than turning on that oven and getting baking! Finally I have an excuse again to use cinnamon in almost all my creations, work with my beloved candied orange peel and roast tons and tons of almonds for all kinds of recipes. The run up to Christmas is upon us, and oh, how I love it.

One of my favourite recipes in these early days of November is that of Florentines. Not quite too Christmasy yet, they’re the perfect treat to kick-start the festive baking season! Florentines are little round almond biscuits, studded with dice of candied orange peel and glacé cherries. They’re so incredibly satisfying because of their chewiness, which comes from the caramel base that the almonds are mixed with. Once baked, you let the Florentines cool down, and then brush one side with dark chocolate. Heavenly. ★

November 17, 2011